NJ Ayuk – Executive Chairman, African Energy Chamber,
CEO, Centurion Law Group

NJ Ayuk is the Executive Chairman of the African Energy Chamber, CEO of pan-African corporate law conglomerate Centurion Law Group, and the author of Big Barrels as well as Amazon and Wall Street Journal’s bestselling Billions at Play: The Future of African Energy and Doing Deals.

His experience includes advising major companies and governments on energy issues and investment strategies.

NJ graduated from the University of Maryland College Park and earned a Juris Doctor from William Mitchell College of Law and an MBA from the New York Institute of Technology.

NJ Ayuk is the author of #1 Amazon Best Selling eBook and #2 USA Today bestseller of Billions at Play: The Future of African Energy and Doing Deals and co-author of Big Barrels: African Oil and Gas and the Quest for Prosperity. A businessman by day and a novelist by night, Ayuk uses his words to encourage change in the energy sector and advocate towards cleaner, cheaper and more efficient solutions for Africa.

NJ is best known for his thought-provoking opinion pieces and elegantly describes his experiences, challenges and successes in his world of work. He is recognized as one of the foremost figures in African business today and continues to defeat the odds through his eloquent pen.

Vision for Africa


A leading authority in the African energy sector and a strong advocate for African entrepreneurship and the indigenous energy sector, NJ Ayuk is recognized as one of the foremost figures in African business today. A well-known dealmaker in the petroleum and power sectors and founder of a leading energy focused law firm, NJ is dedicating his career to helping African entrepreneurs…

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Vision for Africa


Centurion Law Group is a pan-African corporate law conglomerate, with a specialized focus on cross-border business and energy law. We help you navigate the legal and regulatory environments of Africa’s many jurisdictions and ensure that deals are done and completed as efficiently and cost-effectively as is possible.

Learn More NJ AYUK
Vision for Africa

Africa Now

For an Africa that serves its people and provides them with jobs and opportunities, we need to be better at empowering the next generations, embracing our diversity...

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As a seasoned lawyer and business advisor, NJ has negotiated Africa's biggest energy deals and been a mentor to dozens of entrepeneurs and start-ups.

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Investment Porfolios

Through leadership and frequent publications, provides insights and thought-provoking ideas into what will make Africa and its citizens the leaders of the 21st century.

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Community and Mentoring

Through his speaking engagements on the international stage, NJ's presence is in the most important boardrooms.

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